Creating a Login System in CakePHP

Robert McMenemy
3 min readApr 2, 2024


When it comes to web development, creating a secure and efficient login system is a foundational step for any web application. CakePHP, a rapid development framework for PHP, simplifies this process with its built-in authentication and authorization features. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the steps to create a basic login system using CakePHP, covering the setup, model, controller, and view components.

Setup Your CakePHP Project

Before diving into the login system, ensure you have CakePHP installed. If you’re new to CakePHP, follow the official documentation to install the framework and set up a new project. Once your CakePHP environment is ready, create a new database and connect it to your project by editing the ‘app.php’ file in the ‘config’ folder, specifying your database details under the ‘Datasources’ section.

Create the User Model

The user model represents the users in your application. Start by creating a ‘Users’ table in your database with at least the following fields: id, username, password, and created. You can add more fields as needed for your application.

Next, generate the User model by using the CakePHP bake console command:

bin/cake bake model Users

