Building a Smarter Fleet: How Federated Learning Can Revolutionize Window Cleaning Bots

Robert McMenemy
3 min read6 days ago


In the age of smart technology, the possibilities for automation and machine learning are endless. One fascinating application is the development of a fleet of window cleaning bots that use federated learning to continuously improve their performance. This innovative approach could revolutionize how we maintain buildings, offering a glimpse into the future of automated cleaning.

The Vision: Intelligent Window Cleaning Bots

Imagine a city skyline where window cleaning is no longer a risky job for humans but a task managed by a fleet of intelligent bots. These bots are equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, and actuators, all coordinated by onboard processors running sophisticated machine learning models. However, the true magic happens through federated learning.

Understanding Federated Learning

Federated learning is a decentralized machine learning technique. Instead of pooling all data into a central location for training, federated learning allows each device — in this case, each window cleaning bot — to train a model locally. The locally updated models are then aggregated to improve a global model, which is shared back…

